Processing Loads

Check picture gallery, to calculate sold by units or by essay return. Minimum quantity of load 1000 ORIGINALS units to decanting. (NO AFTERTMARKET) customers of caalytic converters loads must have to separate in grades and quantities the units as foreign, american and unknown as FULL or PARTIAL. cost of cut it opens is US$ 1.50 per unit. send samples to lab for essay cost US$ 390.00 for unpaired, IF CUSTOMER REQUIERED. melting process and return of PGM, Call in for Inquired. 305-805-9988.

Buying by grade and units:

Check picture gallery, to verify our grading. local customers any quantities. play after grading the units at market prices.overseas customers in order to work with freight cost loads must be over 700 units minimum. send you qoute with grading; check gallery, full´s and partials, port to be shipped and time delivery of load to our warehouse in order to hold price. prices are hold for two weeks; asfter this time it can chace depending of the global market. local and performance products at any moment customers´ decide. we work with many sea freight shipment company to help with you logistic needs.